Jeff Yost Evangelist Report May-June 2015


                             Anaheim, CA RV site

Greetings brethren and fellow workers.

This report signifies the close of the first phase of my work in Southern, CA. June 30th the family heads towards Kirksville, MO, to assist with a VBS. We plan to extend our travel to include some vacation time seeing some sights along the way. Beginning August 1st I start a new work in Topeka, KS, lasting through November of 2015 assisting the California Acres church. The family looks forward to renewing ties with our midwestern brethren and growing relationships with our Topeka church family.

As this phase of my work in California comes to a close, I am glad to report that the work is being fruitful.

Three Anaheim brethren (David and Sandra Norris and Sheila Sanchez) continue personal Bible studies with seven Anaheim souls. David, Sandra, Janice Shelton and Leon Sims have another twelve active Bible studies online. They are waiting on an additional pool of more than one-hundred online registered students from the Anaheim area to complete their first lesson. A study David and I began with a couple in their eighties waits for its first meeting as unforeseen commitments got in the way of the first one. Della Murray continues a discipling study with our new brother in Christ, Frank. Duane and Janice plan to keep meeting for their weekly community outreach study at their neighborhood McDonalds. Encounters with fellow McDonald’s patrons generating from these studies continue to be a topic of sharing in Anaheim’s weekly Evangelistic Fellowships. Fred Flory, resident sheep shearer, continues taking opportunities to talk with his shearing clients about God. Also, Duane Shelton continues his newly revived zeal for speaking to his tax clients about their eternal destiny. There may be other personal evangelistic efforts I have forgotten to include or do not even know about. One thing for sure is workers are sowing the seed of the Kingdom!

Efforts are underway in Anaheim to incorporate a door hanger campaign. Thoughts are that the church will get together once a month to canvass the neighborhoods around the meeting house. Canvassing is to be about informing souls about the presence of the church and inviting them to personal or online Bible study with the Anaheim saints. Fifty to sixty of the houses to be canvassed with hangers have been knocked in the previous eighteen months. Two personal Bible studies were generated from that effort with one student obeying the gospel. Two visits to the Anaheim assemblies were also generated from that previous effort. Additional avenues of advertising Anaheim’s online Bible study presence are also being discussed.

Anaheim has extended an open invitation to return to help with this work upon my return to California. These excellent brethren have also become a significant source of committed financial support of my work, further enabling me to go where the church needs the help of an evangelist.

Relationships developed with the Wilmington church in Watts, CA, have encouraged positive changes in their already existing evangelistic efforts. Changes that promise more personal Bible studies being generated by members in the future. Return to this work is anticipated by both sides (Wilmington and I).

Interactions with a number of other congregations of the Lord’s church in the area have initiated relationships. These relationships have the promise of further inspiring evangelistic efforts and partnership in this work in the future.

I ventured out in approaching my work as an evangelist through long term stays with congregations a year and a half ago. It looked to me like the church could use more help from evangelists than weekend meetings and week long efforts. This seemed true particularly in the area of reviving or perhaps developing for the first time in a generation, a heart of reaching the lost for Christ. Many of you supported me in purchasing an RV and pickup for such an approach. Some of these and many others also have given periodic financial gifts to the support of such a work. Still others of you came alongside and are providing committed financial support of my work. Many prayers of thanksgiving from my family and many other brethren continue to be offered for your participation in this work and the fruit it is bearing. I offer you my personal thanks with this report also. Each of you is a joy to my heart!

The fruit of this work is its validation. If you believe that God is using it to strengthen and increase the Kingdom, then please keep giving thanks for it in your prayers. Keep supporting it by various means. Even more than these personally participate in the spirit of the work by allowing it to encourage you to consider the souls of the lost around you and venturing to do something to help them believe in God and obey the gospel (1 Thessalonians 1:7-9). Invite encouragement in your personal work and the work of others by visiting my blog, signing up to follow it and sharing it with your brethren.

The Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ will be strengthened when we sow its seed – God’s word. If you desire to work but sense that you need someone to come alongside and help you become more than you currently know how to be…join the crowd :). Pray to God and ask Him to provide such partnership in the work for you. If you think my work can aid you, contact me. Maybe the Lord will provide a way for us to work in person together spurring one another on to effective personal work.

God be praised for your salvation! God be glorified by your sharing it with others still in need of a saving relationship with Him.

Love in Christ,

Fred Flory's Picture of Me  Jeff Yost
660-988-4912 cell

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